Monday, October 1, 2007

My VP my MP my headache

It is a great thing to be an octogenarian Vice President. It is a sad thing to be ignored by your constituents only to be reverred by the media as the voice of reason in an octogenarian government of national unity.

My dear VP cum my MP, how comes the tarmacking of the road from Nangina to Nabengele thne to Port Victoria has stalled? Is it because you are confirming your earlier statemnts during the Moi days that Samias from the South are Ugandans?

How comes your Personal Assistant Mr Machio would not hesitate to ask us who our fathers are before listening to our issues?

I dont understand why the once famous cotton boom hasnt been revived since Kibaki came to power yet it is one of the projects that we were promised would be actively revived?

Funyula voters, unless Hon. Moody Awori answers this questions, he will be committing suicide if his names appear on the ballot paper.


Because he is my VP my MP and my headache

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